Saturday, June 30, 2012


Earlier in the week I had text one of my best friends, Candice, asking if we could have a long overdue girl’s night out—I wanted to go see Magic Mike (heehee). Unfortunately, she already had plans to see it with a coworker. What we were going to do now? 

Well, we ended up ended with nine sheets of bingo cards and some markers.

On Friday nights in my small town, the local Lions Club holds Bingo at seven o’clock sharp. Frequented by the little old ladies of the town (and occasionally the coerced husband), this weekly Winder tradition is an intense two and a half hours. Most everyone has played bingo before, in some shape or another. But this was serious, intense, competition-like bingo.  People have their lucky seats, they have their lucky markers, and woe be unto thee who talks while the numbers are being called. 

We bought our cards and markers and looked around for where to sit. Finally, spotting a few familiar faces, we chose a two spots in the middle of the middle row, directly under a ceiling fan. There’s no air conditioning in the Winder Lions Club, so the seats under the fans our coveted items.

So, we had our cards and markers and we were feeling lucky—all that’s left to do is get five in a row right?


I had played bingo once before here when I was about six years old with my parents—more for the experience than for the love of bingo. Apparently (maybe because I had been six) I hadn’t paid much attention to the entire experience, because there were things listed on the program sheet that I had never seen before.

Hat pin, double postage stamp, small picture frame…what in the world were these? I thought all you had to do was get an entire row covered. “Well”, we thought, “We’ll play it cool and act like we know what we’re doing, even though we don’t and we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

But after a little deliberation, we decided just to ask the ladies sitting next to us, who were more than happy to help during the ten-minute intermission. I went off to get drinks and when I returned, Candice was an expert. A hat pin is four in a corner and a diagonal tail, double postage stamp is all four in a corner and four in the adjacent corner, and small picture frame is covering up the numbers that frame the free space.

It may come as no surprise that these particular three games didn’t go so great for us. The rest of the rounds included two early bird rounds, a block of nine, a six pack, a letter X. In the letter X round, we learned that you’re not supposed to mark anything on your card unless it actually goes in the X. That way, when the official reader of the numbers comes to double check your bingo card, he doesn’t have to search for it.

Of course, we mostly ignored this rule (heehee) because as Candice said “It just makes me feel better to think that I actually have a good card by seeing all those marks.”

The night ended by a jackpot coverall round—this one we knew how to do. Taking a swig of our Mountain Dew and Root Beer (the strongest drinks served and the strongest need) we high-fived and said, “We’ve got this!”

A marking frenzy ensued and things were looking dismal for both of us at the beginning. After twenty balls had been called it seemed we only had a total of about fifteen between us. All of sudden, things looked up and suddenly a few minutes later, Candice was only two away from bingo and I was one.

O-64 stood between me and the jackpot of $800.

One ball later some yelled “Bingo!” someone yelled one ball later and a nice looking lady whom I think is actually friends with my grandmother took home the jackpot.

Even though Candice and went home empty handed, we left with fun memories and plans to go back the next Friday that neither of us have plans and are in town. It was honestly one of the best girl’s nights filled with lots and lots of laughing that I’ve had in a while.

So, my advice: don’t scoff at the mundane “old lady” activities such as bingo or bake sells. Well…I don’t know about the bake sells. Those do sound like they’d be pretty boring. But seriously go out and give bingo a shot! You just might end up having boat loads of fun. We sure did!